Wednesday 20 October 2010

Without it, we're a walking apocalypse.

Would we be a lost society without our pocket’s best friend?

Picture, if you will, a week without your mobile phone and the notion of surviving without one. How could you reply to those texts? Those calls from friends and your boss? Meetings written in your organiser, alarm clock non existent, portable camera no longer at your side...? All sounds a bit catastrophic doesn’t it? And now picture everyone without a mobile phone. Does the image of a global apocalypse spring into mind?

Without this handy pocket sized gadget, humble slave to our daily communications and plans, we would all be in a not so pocket sized muddle. But, perhaps we are the humble slaves to the mobile phone? Almost everyone has one, it’s every 11th birthday surprise. These small gizmos allow us to communicate with whoever we want, be it friends or an unknown stranger from the other side of the world. It, clearly, is an addiction we cannot afford to give up.

In emergencies, its glowing screen can provide a light source and set off loud noises to alert people. Technically, it is society’s saviour in many ways. We have, without a doubt, become dependant on the slither of metal we keep tucked in our jeans, but perhaps our loyal dependency has become far too exaggerated? These days, we hear people joking about how parents will call their children via mobile, simply to ask them a favour, when they happen to be in the same house! Oh yes, because walking a flight of stairs is far too much effort nowadays. We even use text language in our written work without even realising. Is the mobile phone simplifying our lives too much? Surely there is a point where we hang up this addiction before it gets too in sane? Sure, a little simplicity in life is greatly appreciated and often desired by those with hectic lifestyles, but if mobile phones begin to aid in sloppy laziness, such as not even bothering to communicate with your children face to face then I’m tempted to limit my usage quite frankly! Whatever you choose to decide, be it limit your usage as well or think this is utter nonsense and return to texting your best mate, be wary. Mobile phones sure are handy but they are not the answer to all your organising and communication problems. Climb some stairs, visit your parents in person, make an effort and feel better about not being such a technologic junkie!

By Warlix ©

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